Smartphones (Android or iOS) – but also regular mobiles
I can provide support and training via convenient meet-up as well as in-home visits.
No matter which version of Android or iOS you have, I’m here to help everyone. This includes those with regular mobile phones such as a Doro or Nokia.
Just some of the ways I’ve helped my clients with their phones over the past 10 years:-
1. I managed to pinpoint a rogue program that was making the whole phone act up. I succeeded when previous techs had failed by taking a simplistic approach to the issue.
2. Managing apps
3. Retrieving WhatsApp messages from a former device
4. Adjusting settings for best accessibility (esp font size)
5. Text messaging on a regular mobile phone
…. and much more
What challenges are you facing with your smartphone or regular mobile phone?
Click on the dark green button to get in touch.
©Last updated 26th October 2024 by Julia Evans